The Summer News
Saturday, 11 May 2024

These cities are using eco-friendly ways to combat heatwave.

(Vinayka Sharma)

Ludhiana :- The scorching heatwave is dehydrating people, every day we see in newspapers how many people died because of heat strokes, till how much time will we be dependent on the Acs, but some countries in the world are fighting heat waves without the Acs, as Acs also generate heat, Let’s take a look What some cities are doing differently÷

New York

New York City is planting as many trees to protect the citizens from heatwaves, as studies have found that planting trees and making small parks helps to reduce the temperature.


A city in Columbia called Medellin has created 36 great major Green corridors to protect the environment of the city and it is estimated that the temperature will Fall up to 4 degrees Celsius.


Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana, made a lot of space near City Centre which had promotes walking and cycling and banning the motor vehicles, as it creates pollution and increases temperature Thus, creating a cooler zone in the City.


Today the material through which buildings are made is developed in such a way that it will produce less heat, double glazed Windows and two-layered walls separated by an air gap can also insulate buildings from the sun’s heat and reduce energy consumption.


Buildings stop the flow of air through a city. So designing buildings in the locality in a way that increases airflow can help in reducing heat absorption by 25%.

These cities are doing their best to protect themselves from heatwaves, however, the heat waves are also a sign of deteriorating health of mother earth as increase in the use of chlorofluorocarbons and an increase in greenhouse gases. These biodegradable ways will help to save the environment by using a holistic approach.

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